Summa Defence Oyj

Approach of Active Owners

Finnish investors own 100 % of the company, with Active Owners as the largest owner group. The goal is to grow the revenue of the company above 500 M€ by 2028. Summa Defence also investigates possibilities to list on the Helsinki Nasdaq stock exchange within the next 12 months. 



Information about the company

Summa Defence is a new Finnish entrepreneur-driven group operating on a defence business, manufacturing and selling products and material for the defence sector. Demand for the products and services of the defence sector has grown rapidly as the world situation has changed. Putting together the Finnish know-how in the defence branch and technological innovation abilities for industrial scale production, the company can quickly adapt to the customer needs and create tailor made products. In Summa Defence, the Finnish operators can grow and internationalize. In the company products, situational awareness, mobility and defence are the key features. 



Active Owner actively affects shareholder value.

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